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A boy and his dog | Frost Photography

When a potential client approaches me in person to talk to be about making pictures of their children, they inevitably want to know about Frost Photography. Some times they have seen my work, some times they have not. The images above convey what I aim to capture. In this case, the shoot was technically over, I was gathering my gear, and I looked up to little Louis playing with his toy airplane with their dog watching nearby.

There was nothing that was going to stop me from picking up my camera again. Moments like this is what I live for as a photographer.

I often describe my style and perspective as unposed, real, and timeless. Those are my three attributes I strive for in my work. Ten years from now, I don't want my work to feel dated because I followed a trend. Props and staged settings are extremely prevalent in this day of photography. I'm not knocking those styles because many of them are done really well and turn out great. I just am not that photographer. I feel the need to make this distinction because so many people do want the staged setting with a dozen props. My heart doesn't yearn to make those images. But it yearns to make these.

I am absolutely in love with these.

I love the what is already taking place, the subtle moments, real events. This is where I see beauty.


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