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Make A Difference Fishing Camp | Frost Photography

I'm so thankful for opportunities like the one I had to photograph the Annual Captain Bob & Make A Difference fishing camp. I met Captain Rob Dunagan last summer during my participation with the Summer Enrichment Camp. He took 19 kids to Cumberland Island on his boat for an adventure none of us would forget. Months later he asked if I would photograph the Annual Fishing Tournament his foundation organizes and puts on for disabled children in the Glynn County area. I was so excited and honored to accept the opportunity. My heart is for children, all children- from different backgrounds, all ages, special needs, etc. I feel so blessed that God has given me the ability to have a job which allows me to work with the most amazing children and families. 

As the case for most people I know right now, we're all chickens running around in circles with our phones in our hands, calendars overflowing, running here to there, emails, planning...spelled out, b-u-s-y. I tend to have a problem with this kind of busy. This kind of busy doesn't allow for slowing down enough to live, it's kind of like halfway living. Goodness, how thankful I am for days like this one at the fishing camp. The children, families, and volunteers brought me right back to putting living back at the top of my to-do list. 

People that know me well, know that I think children and the elderly possess the key to happiness and that middle agers simply miss out on being truly happy. Being a part of special days like this, always bring me out of my middle age perspective and give me that sweet perspective on what really matters and what I should focus on. Every now and then, we each get a little tug leading us back to the perspective of living.  Often this means prioritizing, which I am happy to say, I recently have done. I'm excited to have more time to devote to my work, passion, and what drives me. This means I have freed up more time to focus on my photography with a more creative and less stressed/distracted mind. Yay! 

This fishing tournament was incredible to experience. These families face struggles on a daily basis raising their little ones with special needs, which made it even more wonderful to see them smiling, laughing, and enjoying themselves. There was such a sweet love among the kids, families, and volunteers that Saturday. As you will see, the kids did a lot of fishing and even enjoyed an awards ceremony at the end where they received trophies for the biggest fish, the most fish caught, and more. The prize giveaway was really fun- make sure you check out the grand prize that one lucky fella got to take home! 

And now begins, a fishing tale that speaks for exaggeration necessary, just 41 amazing kids, a lot of love from many great volunteers, some reels and rods, and some good fishin' :)

My dad and husband working as statisticians, recording the measurements of the fish caught 

Brantley Kate won the award for Biggest Fish. This prize-winning catfish literally almost pulled her into the pond!

Willem's smile made my whole day

All the awesome prizes! It looked like Santa came early. 
This mama was the first to realize her son was about to win the big screen!

Me with my parents, who continuously inspire me by the way they are such wonderful servants to their community

If you're interested and want to find out ways to get involved for this event next year as well as many others, click here


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